Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry, For Tomorrow You Die

Life is strange, to be able to think and feel, to run and act, why can we do this? A technical definition by Google is: "the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death." However this definition includes animals and plants, and I'm only talking about humans, or sentient life. Sentient just means: "Able to perceive or feel things."  Because humans can think for themselves we have obviously raised questions. What are we doing here? Why? Are we super products from evolution? Is there an extraterrestrial being who made us? Just about every single answer that could exist has been spoken, but there are 4 basic forms of the answer to this question.

1. Man has no control over his fate, because it is controlled by the universe.
2. Man has complete control over his fate, because he controls the universe.
3. Man's fate is determined by chance.
4. Man is created by God with a purpose.  

Answer 1. This is one of the most socially accepted answer today, used by some evolutionists and relativists. They believe that our fate is determined by evolution and natural occurrences in the universe. However, man has a free will, we can think and act on our own power. This in itself changes our fate, if only slightly.

Answer 2. This one was more popular back in the Greek and Roman times. Although they believed in gods, They believed that man controlled his fate while the gods watched on. However if man controlled fate, why isn't it screwed up by now? Man makes mistakes, if man was in control, the world would be a wreck. (now, there are arguments that it is in a wreck, but illogical wreck, the world is in a logical wreck)

Answer 3. This one is used by the majority of evolutionists and relativists. There is no fate or God or destiny, only random chance. However if life was left up to random chance, how can we be here? The odds of you sitting in front of your screen reading this by random chance (true random chance, not that I have a low SEO.....) is so astronomically low that it simply couldn't happen. You can't leave such a delicate thing as a human life up to chance, Evolution is a stretch, but at least it's better than chance.

Answer 4: This one is used by those who follow religion, and to me, the only logical one. How can you have a universe so large it blows our minds to think about it, and a cell so small and detailed that each can support itself without a God? Chance cannot come up with life, nor can evolution or the universe. Life is a creative force, needing care and a designer. 

Now, lets clear some things up here. I do believe in God, but that still doesn't answer the question to is man completely free? Does man have a free will, or does God lead him on like a horse? My answer is that man has free will, you can lift your finger, you can turn right instead of left, that's free will. By your will you turned right, it wasn't destiny or chance. Now, that example seems to not be that large of an action, or so small that destiny wouldn't care if you turned right or left. But when you look at the majesty of life, no action is too small, everything that you can do is a miracle.

Until Next Time,

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